
How can a detox diet be your secret weapon against toxins?
Now, take a little stroll down the health lane, and chat about something you’ve probably heard of: a detox diet. The purpose of a detox diet is to rid your body of harmful toxins by changing your eating habits. A detox diet is more than ...

Where did Jesus spend his missing 18 years not recorded in the Bible?
Ever wondered what Jesus did in those hidden years, the gap in the Bible between ages 13 and 30? Let's dive into a mystery that has puzzled scholars ...

Why doesn't meditation work for me?
Let's simplify it. Meditation isn't something you "do" like thinking or running. It's something that happens when you get your understanding right. It's about being effortlessly aware, tuning into the essence of who you are. Before diving into meditation, it's essential to comprehend the true nature of your Self.

How do I awaken the Kundalini?
Kundalini has two aspects: outer and inner. Your Kundalini is already awake in its outer aspect, enabling you to experience the outer world. The safest way to awaken the inner aspect of Kundalini is through a spiritual guru.

What happens when your Kundalini is awakened?
What happens is that you experience supreme peace. When Kundalini — located exactly at the midpoint from the sole of the foot to the top of the head in the subtle body, not in the physical body—is awakened, one transcends both the body and the

What's a good analogy to explain what meditation does for the mind?
In meditation, the mind merges into its source, the Self (atman in Sanskrit), which is the essence of being. A way to understand what meditation does for the mind is through the analogy of ice transforming into water.

Is the one who died roaming in the astral world?
Is the one who died roaming in the astral world? Yes, a person enters the astral world after death, according to the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952): The souls of the deceased possess the abilities of clairvoyance and clairaudience. They are able to hear the sounds due to their clairaudience.

How do I conquer coronavirus through Vedic Yagna?
On July 9, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledged that the Coronavirus can remain in the air for up to three hours, infecting people even after the infected person has departed. This raises the question of how the virus could be eliminated from the air and which air purification technology is most...

When is Guru Purnima in 2020, and what is it auspicious for?
Every year, Guru Purnima, the full moon day of July (the Hindi month of Ashadh), is celebrated to honor the Guru. This year, Guru Purnima falls on Sunday, July 5, 2020. The word, “Guru” has no exact translation in English. The literal meaning of the word “Guru” is the remover of psychic darkness.

How does ignorance of one's own true self lead to hurting others?
When you cause harm to others, it is because you believe they are different from you in terms of religion, nationality, race, and so on. In other words, you lack a sense of oneness with the other individual. The feeling of oneness is love.”

If you were to teach the world one thing, what would it be?
If I could only teach the world one thing from my life experience, it would be to discover one’s own true nature, the blissful Self. Knowing yourself—”Who am I, truly?”—is enough to guide your life. Happiness comes and goes, as does unhappiness, but what remains constant within you is your true...

What is the difference between Christ consciousness and cosmic consciousness?
Both Christ and Cosmic refer to one and the same ultimate consciousness. There are many levels of consciousness. Christ refers to the ultimate consciousness beyond which nobody can go. Jesus is the individual (a river) whereas Christ ...

What differences are there between terms like Cosmic Consciousness, Higher Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness and others?
As far as the ultimate realization of every founder of a religion is concerned, it is the attainment of the same Absolute Reality.

What is the difference between Christ Consciousness and Guru Consciousness?
Both Christ and Guru refer to one and the same ultimate consciousness. Enlightenment is always identical, no matter who achieves it. The title Christ conveys exactly the same universal consciousness as does the title Guru.

What is the secret of secrets to getting into meditation naturally and spontaneously?
The secret of secrets to getting into meditation naturally and spontaneously is receiving Shaktipat. It is important to understand what happens in meditation. In meditation, the mind merges into its source, the innermost Self ...

Is your I-awareness completely separate from your body and your mind?
This is a profound inquiry into one’s true identity. Realizing one’s own true identity is the greatest experience possible. Remember this universal principle: anything that can be witnessed is entirely separate from you. You can watch...

How can I develop a personal relationship with a saint?
The only way to develop a personal relationship with a saint is to develop a relationship with your own innermost being (also called Self). Remember, the same saint also lives inside you. The saint (also called guru) and the Self are one and the same.

Could you give a clear example to show the difference between learning, understanding, and experiencing?
The difference between learning, understanding, and experiencing can be easily grasped from the following example: In her childhood, a little girl learns that this is my mother. After a few years, the girl grows up and understands that she...

What weakens us? What strengthens us? How to get rid of what weakens us?
When you are identified with your physical body and mind rather than your own inner Spirit (atman in Sanskrit), this weakens you. In reality, you are neither the body nor the mind. If you consider yourself to be something that you are not,...

I know that I am, but I do not know who I am. Do I have the capacity to know who I am, my intrinsic nature? How to know, who I am, my authentic reality?
The nature of the most fundamental question, Who am I?, is such that it can never be answered. However, one can experience one’s own true being through...

What is your best question & best answer?
The best question: What is the nature of the supreme truth/Self as it really is? In the Yoga Vasishtha, the great sage Vasishtha answers his disciple Rama’s question about the supreme truth by becoming silent for a long time during which time his breath ceased and eyes remained closed.

Heart is the abode of God. What is this heart?
Where does God live? The heart is the abode of God. What is this heart? To answer this significant question, first one must understand what God is. What is God? God is existence –total existence. In fact, existence and God are synonymous. Since existence is God, God exists. God not only exists but God...

If Geeta says that God lives in every human heart and direct him/her for actions. Why do humans do bad things?
Here is the exact verse that states that God lives in every human heart. This human body is the living God's church, temple, mosque, or synagogue.

Is there a logical proof for God's existence?
God's existence cannot be proven by logical reasoning. Once a blindman demanded a logical proof of the existence of light, stating, let me touch, taste, smell, and hear light if light does exist. However, light cannot be proven unless you have eyes. The blindman cannot be convinced by logic that light exists.

How do you relax your nervous system through the Nadi Shodhana Prānayāma technique?
Nadi Shodhana Prānayāma is a simple, yet powerful breathing technique to relax your nervous system. Nadi Shodhana pranayama literally means purification of "nadis" where "nadis" cannot be translated into English.

How is the power of meditation greater than the power of an atom bomb?
An atom bomb can destroy only a person's physical body of one lifetime whereas meditation can open up the central nerve/channel that can destroy the accumulated karmas of a person's countless lifetimes. Indeed, meditation is so...

Is service to humanity better than meditation?
To know whether meditation or service to humanity is better, you must first understand what meditation really is. The main purpose of meditation is to experience one’s own true being/Self -- the source of profound peace. Just as in sleep you find new freshness, vigor, and peace, so also you find even greater...

How does prayer turn into meditation?
When one becomes deeply immersed in prayer, the “I-thou” duality merges into oneness, like in love where beloved and lover no longer exist; only love and love alone remains. That is how prayer turns into meditation. In real meditation (dhyana in Sanskrit), there is only oneness -- the pure I-awareness as a witness.

Am I supposed to chase my mind during meditation?
When you try to go after your mind’s thoughts during meditation, it is actually mentation, not meditation. Meditation is your very being, your true nature. Thinking is an action of the mind, just like walking is an action of the body. If you cease walking, walking ceases to exist. Likewise, if one ceases to think...

Do I have to give up my worldly life to meditate?
Let me answer your question with a question: Do you need to give up your worldly life -- home, the family, wife, children, or work -- when you go to sleep? Meditation is just an elder brother of deep sleep. Just as deep sleep lies beyond your waking state, so also meditation lies beyond your deep sleep state.

What incident at court made Sir John Woodroffe (1865-1936) interested in Kundalini?
Sir John Woodroffe (1865-1936), also known as Arthur Avalon, studied at Oxford University, England and became a judge of the High Court of Calcutta and Professor of Law at the University of Calcutta. His most influential book is...

Can one have a spontaneous Kundalini awakening? How do you manage it after?
A great saint's company impacts everyone. Being in the company of a shaktipat-guru can spontaneously awaken one’s kundalini. If someone were to ask me what the goal of kundalini awakening is, I would say it is to experience one’s own...

Is Kundalini yoga dangerous?
All fears are baseless. It is the rigors of one's unusual spiritual practices that may cause insanity or disease, not Kundalini. Actually, it is divine Kundalini that removes one's physical and mental diseases. If Kundalini awakens through the guru's grace, there is absolutely no danger because the grace itself guides the...

How am I to consider myself as God? Any example to grasp it?
To begin with, what does God mean? God means existence—total existence. God exists because God means existence. Not only does God exist, but only God exists. To perceive God as God truly is, one must see God manifest in all forms...

Has anyone experienced a Kundalini awakening? What is it like and how does it come about?
To know what the rest of sleep feels like, you have to go to sleep. In the same way, if you want to truly know how a kundalini rising feels, you have to have your own experience.

How can I find a real spiritual master that can help me with my spontaneous awakened Kundalini?
Real spiritual masters are not rare. A real spiritual master will never tell that he/she is a real one! Even if someone mentions a certain spiritual master, how can you verify the truth of such an assertion? Unless a seeker is truly worthy,...

How is Kundalini Yoga different?
Kundalini yoga is different in that it allows your mind to naturally adapt to the kind of practice that works best for your unique personality. After having the kundalini awakening as a result of shaktipat, meditation happens to you naturally without any effort on your part. In other words, meditation pursues you!

God: Who/What is God?
God is existence --total existence. In fact, existence and God are synonymous. Since existence is God, God exists. God not only exists but God alone exists. To see God as God truly is, one must see God as manifest in every form throughout the universe. The totality of existence is God. Swami Rama Tirtha (1873–1906),...

How would you convince me of the existence of God knowing that I'm an atheist?
In each atheist, the theist is hidden. So it is easy to convince you of the existence of God. It is important to understand what God is before delving into God's existence. What exactly is God? God is existence — the entirety of...

How does the universal Law of Periodicity (or Law of Rhythm) apply to countries?
The Law of Periodicity (or Law of Rhythm) states that everything in the universe moves in a circle. The sun moves from east to west, coming back to the east to begin a new cycle. More than a century ago in 1903, Rama Tirtha (1873 –1906)..

How has Lord Jesus' birth become the most significant date in history?
Lord Jesus' birth has become such a significant event in the history of humanity that we use B.C. ("Before Christ") and A.D. ("Anno Domini" meaning, in the year of our Lord) to measure time. Lord Jesus was a fully enlightened being who ...

Can you suggest me a spiritual book that can change my life?
Instead of trying to change your life, concentrate on improving yourself, and your life will change on its own. Spirituality is experienced, not known. Only by direct experience of your innermost Self can you make spiritual progress. All spiritual...

How is meditation superior to happiness derived from the five senses known as hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell?
The happiness derived from each of the five senses - hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell – depends upon external objects and lasts as long as the object of happiness is around. In other words, when the sense object is gone, happiness...

What is a guru’s role in Kundalini awakening?
Before understanding the guru’s role in Kundalini awakening, it is important to understand what a guru really is and how a guru is connected to God. First, we know that there are five functions of God:

Do other animals meditate?
No animal can meditate. The main difference between human beings and animals lies in their capacity to achieve the meditation state. Animals can experience only three states of consciousness -- waking, dreaming, and deep sleep, which does NOT include meditation, the level beyond the mind's three states of...

Is there anyone who actually has risen their Kundalini?
Kundalini awakening is a sacred initiation, common to all religions. This initiation has been passed down from spiritual master to disciple, called lineage or Guru Parampara, through the ages.

What would happen if an animal started meditating regularly?
Did you know an animal cannot meditate? The question of an animal meditating regularly does not even arise, my friend. A human being has a capability to experience all four states of consciousness including the meditation state (beyond the mind level) whereas animals can experience only three states...

How might a guru bring about his/her own downfall?
The sure — and only — downfall begins the moment one forgets/does not revere/criticizes/betrays one's own guru. According to Sri Guru Gita, a spiritual masterpiece that reveals profound secrets of the Guru Disciple relationship, "Continue to remember the Guru to the end of time.

Question about how to generate more motivation to meditate?
Did you know that not even a single thought in you ever goes to waste? Whatever thoughts you think, whatever words you speak, and whatever actions you perform get stored as impressions (called Samskaras) in the central nerve (known as Sushumna) of your subtle body, not the physical body.

Can kundalini arise simply by being around a spiritual teacher who has had their kundalini awakened?
If one reverently serves a spiritual master whose kundalini is not only awakened but also fully developed, it is not surprising that one can have one's own kundalini awakened. We believe in a contagious disease, don't we?

How do I meditate and how will that effect my daily life?
Just as you drift into sleep, you can glide into meditation (dhyāna in Sanskrit) naturally and easily. Commonly translated as meditation, the word "dhyāna" cannot be translated into English. The English word "meditation" is derived from the Latin verb meditari, meaning "to think, contemplate, devise, ponder, to ...

What happens when your Kundalini is awakened?
What happens is that you experience supreme peace. When Kundalini — located exactly at the midpoint from the sole of the foot to the top of the head in the subtle body, not in the physical body — is awakened, one transcends both the body and the mind and experiences one’s own true nature, the pure “I am.”

Who are the best known Kundalini masters?
Kundalini masters are not rare. A genuine Kundalini master will never reveal that he or she is a genuine Kundalini master! Even if someone tells you that someone is a Kundalini master, how can you verify the truth of such an assertion? That said, there have been some well-known Kundalini masters including ...

What is Kundalini awakening? What are your Kundalini awakening experiences? What are the dangers involved in Kundalini awakening?
Kundalini Awakening is a tremendous spiritual experience. Describing what a kundalini awakening is, Swami Vivekananda (1863–1902) writes in his

What should happen when I meditate?
The goal of meditation (dhyāna in Sanskrit) is to become aware of your innermost self, not to chase your mind. The terms Inner Self, Spirit, Being, Consciousness, Awareness, Guru, God, or Atma (in Sanskrit) are all just different words for the one and the same reality. Commonly translated as meditation, ...

What exactly is a kundalini awakening? Have you ever experienced one and what happened?
When the dormant kundalini energy ascends to the seventh chakra, Sahasrara, from the base of the spine, this is known as a kundalini awakening. When Kundalini — located exactly at the midpoint from the sole of the foot to ...

Has anyone experienced the awakening of Kundalini? Does it really happen or does it only exist in books?
Discover the truth through your own direct experience. There are charlatans and frauds in every field, so it is wise to be suspicious of the Kundalini awakening. Never act with blind faith. Be skeptical and think critically when someone ...

What are the best books to practise kundalini?
The best book on kundalini is not merely a book; it is infused with spiritual energy. For your spiritual progress, all you need is a direct experience of your innermost Self. If someone were to ask me what the goal of kundalini practice is, I would say it’s to experience one’s own true being. This is the source of all happiness, peace, love, and contentment.

I know that I am, but I do not know who I am. Do I have the capacity to know who I am, my intrinsic nature? How to know, who I am, my authentic reality?
The nature of the most fundamental question, Who am I? is such that it can never be answered. However, one can experience one's own true being through ...

Have you ever met a person whose Kundalini is awakened? How can I awaken the Kundalini?
Even if someone tells you that his/her Kundalini has been awakened, how can you verify the truth of such an assertion? Until you experience the kundalini awakening for yourself, you will continue to have doubts. Find out the truth ...

Do I have to give up my religion to meditate?
Allow me to ask you this question: Do you give up your religion to go to sleep? Meditation is an elder brother of sleep - it leads to a state similar to conscious sleep. Just as sleep lies beyond your waking state, so also meditation lies beyond your deep sleep state. If deep sleep can be so refreshing, imagine ...

Who can give Shaktipat?
Shaktipat is a spiritual initiation in all religions. The shaktipat initiation has been passed down through the ages from guru to disciple, known as the Lineage of Gurus (Guru Parampara). So, only a guru in a guru-disciple succession can give shaktipat. One who never abandons one's guru and remembers that everything ...

What is the difference between belief and faith?
The terms "belief" and "faith" do not have the same meaning. To believe something is not the same as to have faith in something. The word "belief" comes from the root "lief," which means "desire." Belief means to fervently believe in something as true even though you don't know for sure.

If Jesus Christ is considered the only God then how can Gautama Buddha also be considered the only God?
Jesus transformed into Christ, the enlightened one, through meditation. Buddha attained Buddhahood—enlightenment—through meditation. Religion and meditation are not synonymous. In a deep state of meditation, Siddhartha Buddha and ...

What is meant by a partial kundalini awakening and a full kundalini awakening?
It is a partial awakening if the Kundalini becomes dormant again (the awakening is not sustained). It is a full awakening when the kundalini rises to the Sahasrara - the highest chakra located at the very top of the head and the goal of the ...

What is kundalini rising and what does it feel like? How do you know it has happened?
Shakti, the Sanskrit word for cosmic energy, is present throughout the universe. Yogis call it Kundalini. Shakti is the active aspect of the Absolute (Shiva). In his book, Raja Yoga, Swami Vivekananda (1863 —1902) describes the kundalini ...

Given that a physical body is inert like a chair and the innermost spirit is beyond emotions, who actually experiences pleasure or pain?
This is a very important question. Let's break this down with a simple story. Imagine a small village with two families living in houses across from each ...

After a person, male or female, dies, what should we do with the rudraksha he or she was wearing?
When a person dies, it's only his or her physical body that dies. His or her astral body, also called the soul, does not die with the physical body. In other words, ...

Was Jesus ever in India?
Was Jesus ever in India? The Bible doesn't talk about Jesus' life from age 13 to 30, which is most of his youth before he was crucified at age 33. The intriguing possibility that Jesus spent a significant portion of his life in India has ...

Did Jesus live and study in India between the ages of 12 and 30?
The question of whether Jesus lived and studied in India between the ages of 12 and 30 is fascinating and has intrigued scholars and spiritual seekers alike.

How do you understand 'time is so fleeting,' and can you share a story that captures this?
We only have four days. Two days are spent in wishing, two days are spent in waiting. If you look closely at the life of a man, then this statement will be ...